626 Felton Uptown Block was known as S2X a.k.a STX a.k.a DCXXVI, the gang also known as a violent and brutal gang on East Los Santos. Led by Richard Johnson with assistance from Jeffrey Carbean (2011), Berthram Lindegaard (2013), and Tracey Redmond (2014). The gang growth into a large gang with many members and ever became a notorious gang in Los Santos. Their action smelt by LSPD and they began to investigate them. In the end, most of the former gang members were locked up in SACF.
Chapter 1: Felton Purp Disciples (Thug-Side)
Few years passed since 626 were disbanded from Los Santos (2014), There is a new gang that successfully replaces Berthram Lindegaard & Tracey Redmond's regime on East Los Santos as the Original Gangster of 626 Eastcoast Empire, that was 6th Avenue East Side Ryder. The Sixth are made originally from African American inhabitant around the Burn housing Project which basically starts as Respected Community. Because of the high crime rate that happens around the neighborhood, they decided to follow the idea of the street gang and caused fear among the other resident.
There were two kids, Namely Iraq, and Malik. They are friends since the existence of 626 still exist in East Los Santos. 626 triumph there is a part of their childhood, they feel protected under the authority of 626. Iraq has the inherent impression with the gang that ever famous in East Los Santos, one of 626 gang member former, Berthram Lindegaard a.k.a Bear has saved his life during the raid of East Los Santos by the LSPD. Iraq was saved on a hidden room that located inside of pigpen. Bear said, " Stay awake kid, I'll cum' back till this fuckin' done." Iraq was just nodding, and waiting for Bear to coming back for 2 days, but he never comes back after that tragedy.
One day Iraq were asked to join The Sixth gang, he refuses it. He said, "I've a life-debt with the 626, I must wake'em up". After heard Iraq's statement, the man who tried invite Iraq to The Sixth were laughing hardly and left him behind. After being a joke around of Sixth's gang-members, Iraq finally starts his very first movement by inviting Malik and other teenagers, most of them are lame, and also known as a gangster wannabe because all of better teenagers were invited to The Sixth gang.
Chapter 2: Felton Co. Rich Nigga (Elite Side)
After leading several businesses protection, Iraq met Matteo LaRoche, Mr. LaRoche was known as Businessman on Los Santos. In the begining, LaRoche was just used Iraq to protect his business on East Los Santos from small-sized crime such as thief and market robbery. One day, LaRoche asked Iraq to do an extortion on Mr. LaRoche's friend, Finn MacMillan to take-over the Vinewood BurgerShot restaurant. Succeeded to persuade Fin MacMillan and take-over his business, LaRoche started to likes Iraq's talent to persuade people. Now both of them are becoming friend and running the blood-money business around Los Santos by using S2X Felton Purp Disciples power to do their's illegal action.
This familiy devided by 2 sides, Elite side and Thug side. Elite side is for every insider who have money to join and run the company legaly. Thug side is for the fresh young-ster who wanted to enter the family from zero by running Felton Co.'s illegal activities under S2X Felton Purp Disciples Authority. Iraq gave the King of Purp crown to Malik Bankston and acting as Big O.G on S2X gang and also promoted as a Capo for Felton Co. while Iraq was promoted into the the Elite side and being one of the CEO on Felton Co.
Penjelasan singkat untuk faction ini, kita mau coba buat faction denga tipe yang berbeda dengan biasanya yaitu 2 sides faction. Jadi bagi kalian yang mau join kita punya 2 metode, yaitu join secara legal dengan menjadi patner bisnis atau join secara illegal dengan cara bergabung dengan gang S2X Felton Purp Disciples. Memang lebih gampang join faction ini secara legal, tapi RPly yang hanya join faction ini secara legal gak tau illegal activities yang faction ini lakukan. Kalau ada yang tau faction HOR (House of Republic) besutan bang Adhi Kusworo, faction ini merupakan versi crime nya dari HOR dengan beberapa modifikasi.
Chapter 3: O.G Shuwan's appears
will be updated as soon as possible.
Keuntungan (+) dan kerugian (-) jikabergabung dengan faction ini adalah:
(+) Dapat meng-improve bahasa inggris kalian, kita akan bantu player-player yang niat untuk belajar.
(+) Mendapatkan jaminan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan roleplay yang lebih.
(+) Didirikan dan beranggotakan orang-orang yang setidaknya pernah "Meng-officialkan" / pernah nge-lead / menjadi anggota sebuah faction official.
(+) Sikap kekeluargaan sangat kental disini.
(+) RP bakal seru dan menarik karena faction kami menawarkan hal yang baru di JGRP.
(-) Harus mengetahui, dan mengikuti peraturan server.
(-) Apabila kamu sudah bergabung, kita mempunyai hak paten untuk meng- CK kamu kapanpun kami mau.
(-) Hanya menerima anggota yang menggunakan karakter kulit hitam karena ini gang african-american untuk bergabung bersama gang kami secara Illegaly, kalo mau join secara legal bebas mau kulit apapun.
(-) Semua proses perekrutan anggota baru dilakukan secara In Character.
(-) Harus memakai official modpack kami kalo gak di CK.
(-) Harus kudu wajib membaca 2 guide dibawah.